Friday, August 12, 2011

Chiropratic and Sport Injuries

We all know that exercise is an essential part of our overall health and well-being.  However, sports injuries can occur whether you are an avid athlete and compete/train on a reagular basis, or you are just starting up a new sport or exercise regimen.  In most cases, they can be prevented but there are few instances where an injury can occur even though you took the recommended precautions (i.e. proper technique, proper use of safety equipment that is fitted appropriately, and proper conitioning, warm-up and cool down procedures) and are in the best shape of your life.  The most common ones are Strain/sprains, tendinosis, and stress fractures. 

Usually if there is a sports injury, it most commony involves a tear in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  The difference between a "strain" and a "sprain" depends upon the structure that is injured:  Strains involve muscles and tendons while sprains invovle ligaments.  The severity of the tear ranges from mild to severe.  Mild strain/sprains mean that the injury is stable with only some fibers being torn or stretched.  This grade can be easily managed conservatively with rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  A chiropractor can help out with this treatement and can start manipulating the joint once the initial inflammation has gone and the patient can tolerate it.  Some chiropractors can also do acupuncture around the sight to help easae the pain and kinesiotaping to help bring down any swelling and to help support the muscles with rehab to keep them functioning thw way they should.  Severe strain/sprains, however, means that the tear goes through, or sometimes, all of the structure, making the injury unstable.  These typically would need surgical intervention, but acupuncture can help with pre- and post-op support. 

Also called Tendonitis, this injury is a commonly due to overuse or repetitive motion causing inflammation of the tendon.  The most common types are golf and tennis elbow, but can occur in any joint, especially the shoulder and knee.  Pain and swelling occurs over the tendon and get worse when motions that stress the tendon are performed.  As with sprains and strains, rest, ice, compression, and elevation is the way to treat with a combination ofchiropractic adjustments after the inflammation and swelling are gone to restore normal ROM, kinesiotaping for muscle support and re-education if needed, and acupuncture to help with pain managment and healing support. 

Stress Fractures 
Also called Fatigue fracture, this injury usually is seen with runners that unknowingly are putting an abnormal amount of stress on normal bone.  This can happen if the running distance is increased too fast or if those who aren't used to running long distances overdo it.  Shin splints also falls into this category since it is an overuse injury caused by microfractures on the front side of the shin bone.  Pain and swelling increases gradually and can get worse with activity.  Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are probably the best treatment as it will tak a little time for the bone to heal.  Acupuncture can help relieve some of the pain and support healing.

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