Thursday, June 30, 2011

Diet Soda May Not Be As Helpful in your Diet As You Thought

In the news earlier this week, it was reported that some new research shows that drinking diet sodas that use artificial sweeteners instead of the regular versions are associated with weight GAIN rather than weight LOSS.  Soda manufactueres market Diet beverages as being a healthier alternative to regular sodas because the substitution of the sugar decreases the calories per serving down to zero.  However, there may be other affects that artificial sweetners, like aspartame and Splenda, have on the body that can lead to issues like an increased waist size (when compared to those who did drink diet soda frequently or at all), increased blood sugar levels, or even an increased risk of stroke (despite the need for more research on this). 

All this scrutiny of diet sodas with artificial sweetners is nothing new and actually makes some sense when you research the history of the sweetners and how they came about.  Nonetheless, people still continue to consume these diet drinks for whatever reason.  I know...I am one of them.  For me, I got so used to diet soda that regular soda feels and tastes too sweet and heavy.  Does this make complete sense?  Probably not given the potential affects of the sweetners, but I try to limit the amount I drink to one can or bottle per day.  Still doesn't make sense since it is everyday.  The key is moderation if people are to continue drinking diet soda, or all soda for that matter.  That along with proper nutrition, portion control, and exercise.

So as we head on into the Fourth of July holiday, indulge yourself a little bit and have some fun, but please be careful. 

1 comment:

  1. It is Great for post

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